For Christmas in 2019 we wanted to intrigue our clients with a gift that talked about our new studio home in Eden Terrace, and the unique attributes of our building.
When you move into a new place it always takes time to get your bearings, find your feet and make new friends. We’ve been here a year now, and looking out of our studio windows framed by vines, we realised that the new roots we’ve put down are growing all around us.
Inspired by these vines, our new terrace home, and one of our favourite wine clients, we felt compelled to align them all with a bespoke wine that was a true reflection of place. It seemed like a good way to sum up what’s been good for us.
We know that terraced landscapes help produce some of the world's most distinctive wines, so we drove the idea into every part of the communication and packaging. Both single minded and crafted, it was designed to be an immersive and tactile opening experience, delivering a sense of place, who we are and a connection to the quality of the wine.
Terrace Milk Christams Gift